Michael is a senior studying Public Policy. After graduation, he plans on joining the Peace Corps with hopes in volunteering in Eastern Africa. From there, he plans on getting a Masters in international economic development and public policy. Long-term, he hopes to work in diplomacy as a member of the Foreign Service in the US State Department making the world a more economically just place for developing nations.
“I rushed BAR first semester freshman year! I didn't have any plans of rushing a professional fraternity, but my good friend, and fellow E-Board member, Kylie, convinced me to come to a BAR info session, and the rest is history! The value of community and support really appealed to me, and rushing BAR was one of the best decisions I've made in my college career. Choosing one experience in BAR that is my favorite is definitely impossible, but overall, I love the support and encouragement that all Actives give each other within our fraternity. I have such an extensive support network as a result of being in this org, and I know there will always be someone who is able to lend a hand either in applying for an internship or just picking between two interesting classes. The connection that we have in BAR goes far beyond our professionalism, and I feel like the fraternity is one big family and we all just want to see each other succeed at the end of the day.”
Recently, Michael has been really into cycling, and he’s been trying to get back into reading! Apart from that, Michael loves hanging out with friends, listening to his favorite podcasts, and doing the NYT mini-crossword every morning.
Social Chair’s Responsibilities:
Plans social events for fraternity
Trains members and new members on risk management within fraternity
Outreaches to other organizations about collaborations for social events